Welcome to the 5th edition of Gumbo Ya Ya Conjure Art‐zine! As with previous editions, the content of this issue covers a wide gamut of topics from Voudou possession to conjure in the barrio to goddess worship. We are always looking for articles and workings, formulas and spells and invite the reader to submit ideas and articles for publication. No rhyme, no reason—just because. That’s our motto! In this issue: To Ride a Horse: The Possession of the Loa by Melony Malsom The Goddesses of Antiquity by Denise Alvarado & Alyne Pustanio Saints of the Greater East End by Oskar “Doc Mojo” Yetzirah Spells and How they Sometimes Work by Carolina Dean Adam and Eve Candle Spell Sweet Glove Gris Gris Prevent a Man from Fraternizing Nasty Workings by Madrina Angelique To Stop an Enemy by Madrina Angelique Aromatic Hyssop Cleansing Bath by Denise Alvarado A Goddess Formulary by Denise Alvarado Latin American Folk Magic Formulas Random Conjure Quote Egyptian Charm to Dissolve a Spell Cross‐cultural Symbols for Protection
Gumbo Yaya #5 by Creole Moon Publications